Thursday, September 8, 2016

chick, chick, chick........

hope you all had a nice labor day holiday.
i ran errands last saturday and took the route home thru the 
on my route there's a little farm that has chickens and apple trees  and i was hoping they 
 might have apples out for sale and sure enough they did.
so i pulled over and
as soon as i got out of the car a lady came out.
she introduced herself, carol.
 i told her how i loved seeing the chickens as i drive by,
you always see a few wandering around the house, apple trees.
she asked if i would like to see the chickens.
i said sure, thinking we would check out the chicken coup.
all of a sudden she starts, yelling "here chick, chick, chick!.

and whoosh, out from under the hedge in front the house
about 30 chickens came out!
it was like the scene in the Wizard of Oz, when the Glinda the good
witch calls the munchkins out from hiding in the land of oz.
it was crazy.  she has 40 chickens, a few were out already.
it was so cute. she stated telling me their names,
there were actually a set of twins.
i think she likes chicken.  
i did buy apples and a dozen eggs.
will have to stop back for honey and visit my feather friends again.